Focus & Purpose

This blog is dedicated to focus particular attention on the ways in which the European economy changed and expanded after 1492. The blog will explore the Columbian exchange, the growing world market and the global economy.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


The German Empire was going strong with steel and coal production growing, and Germany was in hyper-inflation. During these years of prosperity in Germany, Hitler worked on building his Nazi party and proper placement. In 1929 the depression hit, Germany's industrial production folded in half and unemployment rose from 1.3 million to 5 million. The U.S. stock market crash and Germany's economic failure, as well as global economic crisis, worked in Hitler's favor. A economic collapse within a major industrial and agricultural global power would affect all the countries that trading occurs with. Hitler made promises, put government programs into place for "work and bread", and this contributed to winning the people over. Hitler had big business and people in high strategic places in his pocket and was appointed Chancellor in 1933. Hitler lifted Germany out of the depression through government spending and mainly focused on military. Hitler lead Germany into war and when Germany was overtaken in 1945, they were left in economic ruin with all the allies to pick up the pieces. Germany owed most major countries financial paybacks, but could not support its own economy. This left the alllies in financial set backs also. The world would have economic hard times for years following World War II.

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